Entdecken Sie die besten VR-Spiele.

The Virtual Reality Boom Is Here to Stay!

The surge of Virtual Reality (VR) has firmly established itself in the tech world. While it began in 2016, it’s only recently that it has fully flexed its potential and become a must-have for online gaming enthusiasts.


What is virtual reality in gaming

As technology evolves, it continually adds new features based on user demands. But what exactly is virtual reality in gaming? It’s a place where you’ll find realistic scenes and objects blending together to make you feel like you’re right there, fully engaged in this interactive world in real time.

Through VR, you can step into video games as if you were the main character, enhance your athletic training for peak performance, or even perform surgery as if you were in an operating room, depending on the game’s mood.


What do you need to engage in virtual reality gaming?

It’s now possible to enjoy VR gaming from the comfort of your own home. Devices quickly gained popularity, and the digital world has embraced them to capitalize on their advantages. Accessory development is progressing at a rapid pace, keeping up not only with user demand but also with new technologies.

PC or Console

For PC users, VR is the gateway to a wide variety of video games that transport you to real-time experiences filled with excitement. Consequently, it’s essential to be aware of the most important requirements when choosing a PC:

  • Available Ports: DisplayPort 1.2 or higher, HDMI 1.4, USB 3.0.
  • RAM should not be less than 16 GB for improved speed and stability.
  • The CPU should be an AMD Ryzen 5 2600x or an INTEL i5 9400F processor.

Console gaming is not far behind, with well-known platforms like PlayStation and Nintendo joining the VR movement, ensuring they meet the rising demand for VR experiences.

Virtual Reality Headsets (VR)

Let’s talk about virtual reality headsets, which play a crucial role in the world of VR gaming, both in terms of design and relevance. Among the most popular choices in terms of design and effectiveness are Google Cardboard Standard, Samsung Gear VR, and FireFly VR.

When selecting VR headsets, there are three key factors to consider:

  • Your terminal’s operating system and its features.
  • Compatibility of your smartphone with the chosen headsets.

Field of view (FOV) is of significant importance as it determines the quality of your experience. With VR headsets, you can watch movies, interact with games, and immerse yourself in virtual reality experiences.

In summary, every VR device comes with its own special features, and although there are distinctions, your ultimate decision should depend on the type of gaming experience you’re after (whether it’s more or less intense) rather than one being superior to the other.


Top VR Games in the Market

Let’s delve into a list of science fiction games that are worth playing:

I Expect You to Die 2

It offers an excellent simulation of the James Bond universe, immersing players in the shoes of a genuine international superspy with a mission to dismantle a criminal organization, no matter how intricate the traps may be.

Throughout this escape room-style adventure, you’ll need to navigate concealed lasers, evade heat-seeking missiles, and even mix cocktails, all to thwart the plans of the criminal mastermind. The traps might sometimes give you more of an Austin Powers vibe than a 007 one, but even if you fail, the game is filled with humor to keep you having a good time.

Featuring charming characters and the superb voice acting of Will Wheaton, “I Expect You To Die 2” provides a VR experience that truly lets you step into the shoes of a super spy.

Half-Life: Alyx

This marks Valve’s return to the series, recounting the impossible struggle between the alien race, known as the Combine, in the events between Half-Life and Half-Life 2.

Beat Saber

Imagine Dance Dance Revolution colliding with Star Wars and Guitar Hero meeting Tron – that’s the perfect way to encapsulate Beat Saber. In this rhythm game, players wield illuminated sabers, slashing to the beat of a musical track. It presents a challenge, requiring players to stay in sync with the rhythm while slicing through colored blocks and maneuvering past obstacles.

Beat Saber was among the early VR titles to achieve widespread recognition, primarily because it appears incredibly enjoyable to play. To this day, it remains one of the finest VR games, largely thanks to its extensive collection of DLC tracks that significantly expand the song choices.

To fully savor tracks from artists like Billie Eilish, Skrillex, and Beat Saber’s genre mixtapes, it’s essential to connect external headphones (our selection of the best headphones can assist you in that department).


In this game, you aim to grow your blobs by collecting points or consuming smaller players. The goal of Nebulous is to compete against other players and become the biggest blob of all.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

It has earned its reputation as the modern-day equivalent of Mario Party, particularly in terms of how it can strain your friendships.

Developed by Steel Crate Games, this engaging game thrives on close collaboration and is best enjoyed with 2 to 6 participants. One player has to defuse a bomb, while the others need to give clear instructions on how to pull off this challenge. The twist is that neither group can see what the other is working with.

With its demand for intense teamwork among your friends, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes becomes a highly enjoyable experience with the right crowd. It has secured a spot among the best VR games thanks to its seamless adaptation to the virtual reality realm.


The Walking Dead

Saints & Sinners: Set in the world of the immensely popular TV series, The Walking Dead, this game is one of the highly recommended titles in the VR circuit. It introduces some of the franchise’s iconic characters and challenges you to confront hordes of walkers, where strong firearm tactics and discreet strategies make the most of the game.

Lost Recipes

Many of the top VR games tend to be quite fast-paced, but that’s not a strict rule. Lost Recipes is a delightfully calming cooking simulator that appeals to both seasoned gamers and newcomers.

In each level, your goal is to prepare a historically accurate dish using various cooking techniques and ingredients to satisfy a ghost NPC who serves as your guide throughout the process. It’s an unusual yet captivating fusion of Assassin’s Creed and Cooking Mama in the VR realm.

Schell Games expertly combines elements from these games with accessible VR gameplay, endearing NPCs, and highly detailed VR object interactions, resulting in a blend that’s more than the sum of its parts.

Lost Recipes stands out as an ideal entry point into the VR gaming world, offering not only a tranquil gaming experience but also intriguing historical insights that can engage even the most seasoned users.

DiRT Rally

One of the top recommendations in the VR game list. DiRT Rally is one of the early entrants in the racing simulator category, offering immersive experiences and the challenge of driving on muddy terrain and unfavorable weather conditions, as opposed to urban races or tracks.

No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky had its fair share of initial hiccups, but it has evolved into a truly unique gaming experience. In the realm of VR, it stands unparalleled in offering a taste of what it might truly feel like to explore alien planets, making it a worthy inclusion among the top VR games.

Within No Man’s Sky, you can combat extraterrestrial beings, establish your base, or embark on planetary explorations. The sheer freedom it provides can be overwhelming, yet it’s undeniably exhilarating.

Navigating and uncovering the vast, procedurally generated worlds within the game is already an epic adventure that countless gamers eagerly partake in. However, Hello Games has taken it a step further by enhancing the VR experience in No Man’s Sky, surpassing the efforts of many other developers in this aspect.

Resident Evil 4 VR

Resident Evil 4 VR is a remarkable recreation of the classic survival horror title designed for the Meta Quest 2 platform. Equipped with just a knife, a handgun, and whatever tools you can scrounge along the way, your mission is to rescue the U.S. President’s daughter while fending off parasitic-infected brutes and menacing monsters.

Thanks to the wide array of comfort settings at your disposal, this game delivers fear rather than motion sickness. The immersive controls add to the experience, making you truly feel like Leon S. Kennedy as you confront hordes of enraged villagers, determined to tear you apart limb by limb. It’s a heart-pounding adventure, and it’s no surprise that one of the finest survival horror games has found its place among the top VR games.

For those with a PSVR headset, consider giving Resident Evil 7: Biohazard a try. This game captures many of the elements that make Resident Evil 4 great in VR, plunging you into a similarly terrifying situation as you attempt to escape the sinister Baker family’s clutches.

Moreover, the next Resident Evil game, Resident Evil: Village, is part of the series and will come with a VR version, making it a title that PSVR2 users are really looking forward to.


Skyrim is a game that hardly requires an introduction, having been re-released numerous times. This time, it has made its way to the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR, offering one of the most expansive adventure games available in VR.

Skyrim VR not only allows you to experience the entire base game in a virtual reality setting, but it also includes the Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn DLCs. While Skyrim VR might not rank among the top VR games in terms of technical excellence, thanks to its somewhat dated graphics (which can get a boost from mods) and a not-quite-perfect transition to VR, it’s still an adventure that’s definitely worth exploring, especially if you’re a die-hard Elder Scrolls fan.



The highly addictive first-person shooter Superhot has come a long way from its modest beginnings as one of the best free web browser games back in 2013. It has found its perfect home on VR headsets, taking full advantage of 360-degree tracking as enemies approach from all angles.

Superhot VR capitalizes on the slow-motion time mechanic, making it especially well-suited for a larger play space. As the challenges become increasingly demanding, you’ll need every available bit of cover to elegantly dodge oncoming bullets in true bullet-time fashion. Meanwhile, you can dispatch the featureless foes using firearms, shurikens, and, most satisfyingly, your bare fists.

Wands Alliances

If you’re in search of a competitive multiplayer shooter experience within the realm of VR, then Wands Alliances is the ultimate choice and arguably the finest representation of the genre on the Quest 2.

As a member of either The Ministry or The Watchers, you’ll engage in fierce combat on the cobblestone streets of a steampunk-inspired London. Armed with spells and unique abilities, your objectives include either arming or disabling a magical explosive or vanquishing your adversaries.

The array of magical abilities at your disposal, along with their offensive and defensive applications in combat, elevates this game well beyond a mere Call of Duty adaptation. The tactical maneuvers in Wands Alliances give it an almost chess-like strategic quality. Although it may seem overwhelming at first, the game eases you into the experience with a comprehensive yet concise tutorial.

Wands Alliances is an essential VR game that every Meta Quest 2 headset owner should experience.

Walkabout Mini Golf

Walkabout Mini Golf is a top-notch golf simulation game that presents players with eight distinct courses, along with additional downloadable content (DLC), each set in unique and imaginative settings ranging from a pirate cove to outer space.

The game boasts meticulously crafted golf mechanics that truly mimic the real-world sport, ensuring that your preferred style of play, whether cautious or daring, translates seamlessly into the virtual environment.

While it might not deliver the most mind-blowing experience on the list, Walkabout Mini Golf unquestionably earns its place here. It is undeniably one of the finest VR games available, and you should certainly give it a try.

What do you think? Have you tried one of these VR games?





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