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Best K-Pop groups: the most popular music bands

Best K-Pop groups: the most popular music bands

K-Pop is one of the most popular music genres of the moment. This new popular genre refers to South Korean pop and is a musical phenomenon that has been sweeping Asia since 2017, but since it does so internationally among young people from Latin America and Europe reaching all parts of the world. 

The success of K-Pop is due to the numerous bands that have emerged made up of attractive young people, with a good voice and others, they know how to dance and have a great personality that attracts many people, thus making them mass idols. 

Most popular K-Pop groups

Next, if you are still one of those who do not know this new genre, we are going to make a series of recommendations for the most popular K-Pop groups. 


BTS or Bangtan Boys, is one of the best known K-Pop bands and surely, the band with the greatest international projection. It is a band formed by 7 boys and they started singing in 2013. Their success has led them to stay for 14 consecutive weeks on the World Albums List and to do in 2019, an international tour visiting places in the United States and throughout Europe. 

His video “Boy With Luv” achieved three Guinness World Records: “Most viewed YouTube video in 24 hours”, “Most viewed YouTube music video in 24 hours” and “YouTube music video of a K- band. Most viewed pop in 24 hours ”.


It is one of the best known K-Pop bands and is made up of four girls. Each of the members are of different nationalities making them sing in different languages, thanks to this, they have managed to be one of the most internationally successful bands. 

BlackPink was the first K-Pop band to be featured on the Coachella lineup, one of the most important music festivals today. Also, last year 2019, they surpassed One Direction as the band with the most YouTube subscribers causing Forbes magazine to name the band as the most influential celebrities in Korea.


In this small list we also want the band EXO formed by 9 members and it is also considered as one of the best K-Pop groups of the moment. They have been growing in popularity to become a great reference of the genre. EXO has the honor of being the highest ranking male K-Pop group on the Billboard chart, ranking 90.

EXO is one of the most numerous bands since at the beginning of 2011 there were 12 members. Later, they decided to make two subgroups, the Korean version called EXO-K and its Chinese equivalent, EXO-M.

K-Pop Girl Groups

The following bands that we are going to comment are made up exclusively of women and, like the previous ones mentioned, are also among the most famous: 

Girl’s Generation

This is one of the most popular and different female K-Pop bands from the actuality. It was formed in 2007 and is made up of 8 girls, two of whom are American. Although this is not popular, it has served to bring them closer to more western musicians. They have become a great reference for transmitting values ​​to teenagers making Billboard consider them one of the best female bands in Korea. 

Red Velvet

Red Velvet is also a band created solely by women. It is considered much more current than the previous one since it was founded in 2014 and it was last year, in 2019, when they began to be more famous and known thanks to their album Perfect Velvet. In this one, they mix two different styles like K-Pop and R&B. This combination is becoming increasingly popular in Korea and this group in particular has managed to be one of the most listened to on Spotify.

K-Pop Boy Groups


The great characteristic of this group is that like Justin Bieber, they became known in 2008 on the internet before debuting. Since that time, they have managed to become more and more known and achieve many successes. They are one of the first K-Pop groups to have managed to record their album at Abbey Road studios where artists such as The Beatles, Michael Jackson or U2, among others, have produced their songs. 

Super Junior

Finally, we want to comment on the band Super Junior. This is also considered one of the most international since it has managed to triumph in Korea, Japan, China and in several Latin American countries thanks to the fact that they include a great variety of styles in their songs and in their subunits. In total, there are 11 members and although they debuted in 2005 as a group, many of the members have solo careers but remain united thanks to the subunits and the different styles they include in their music. 


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