Tattoo Healing Process: stage by stage

How to cure a tattoo stage by stage
Stage One: the care of a fresh tattoo
The first stage of healing is one of the most important and begins right when the tattoo is finished. We cannot forget that a tattoo is technically an open wound on the skin and therefore, you should treat it as such.
Typically, the vast majority of tattoo artists recommend covering the tattoo for the first 24 hours to keep it protected. After this first time, you should clean the area around the tattoo very carefully. Depending on the size of your design, you should do it 2 or more times a day.
It is important to mention that during this first stage, you will notice that the area is swollen, with greater sensitivity and you may even notice that the skin is rough. Don’t worry because all these symptoms are totally normal in this first stage of healing.
Second Stage
Third Stage
Final Stage
What should you avoid in the healing process?
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