Tragus Piercings: All You Need To Know Thinking of getting a new piercing? If the answer is yes, we recommend that you do not miss this article. If you have read our KEEP READING
Thinking of your next piercing? Check out Helix Piercing! In today’s article, we want to talk about piercings again, and specifically, we want to comment and talk about the Helix since it is probably KEEP READING
Dermal Piercing: procedure and the most trendy ones Piercings are already part of our society and we love them, it is for this reason that in today’s article we discuss a type of KEEP READING
THE MOST EXTREME BODY MODIFICATIONS YOU CAN MAKE We have talked in other articles about the most painful piercings, about the daith piercing, the septum, and even about the nipple piercing, but we KEEP READING
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE GETTING NIPPLE PIERCINGS In recent years, nipple piercing has become one of the preferred options and one of the most thought by young people. Although it has transformed KEEP READING
THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR DAITH PIERCINGS Nowadays, piercings are a very famous aesthetic option among young people. In other articles we have already seen tattoos and piercings like the septum, but KEEP READING
Are you thinking about getting a Septum piercing? As we already mentioned in the definitive ranking of the most painful piercings, more and more men and women choose to get piercings in different KEEP READING
THE MOST PAINFUL PIERCINGS EVER! Do you know someone who does not have a piercing? Surely, it will have been difficult for you to think of someone who does not KEEP READING
Ideas for Cute Wrist Tattoos for Women In previous articles on tattoos, we have talked about the best designs that you can do with your best friends, with your partner to celebrate DISCOVER >