WHO DESIGNED THE GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM? THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW If we recently talked about the Mozart museum, today we want to refer to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, which is an architectural masterpiece. KEEP READING
THE BEST MUSEUMS IN HAMBURG YOU MUST VISIT If we recently talked about the Mozart museum in Salzburg, today we want to talk about the best museums in Hamburg that you have to KEEP READING
5POINTZ GRAFFITI IN NEW YORK: WHAT HAPPENED? If you like art or New York city, you surely know 5Pointz graffiti, an outdoor art exhibition space that was located on Davis Street. Keep KEEP READING
MOZART MUSEUM IN SALZBURG: ON MOZART’S FOOTSTEPS If you are a Music or Mozart freak, you will surely know that he was born in Salzburg in 1756. Specifically, he was born at KEEP READING
THESE ARE THE ART STOLEN BY NAZIS NEVER FOUND The Nazis are considered the best art thieves in all of history. They looted art galleries, confiscated their citizens, and looted many of Europe’s works KEEP READING
BEST INSTAGRAM WALLS IN CHICAGO: HERE ARE 7 AWESOME If you like colorful and striking walls, the kind that amazes you at first glance, you have to visit Chicago! In addition, if you are KEEP READING
GRAFFITI IN BERLIN: WHY IS THE GRAFFITI CAPITAL OF EUROPE? We recently talked about graffiti and also about the famous work of art “the kiss”, which is located in Berlin. Graffiti is art, and today KEEP READING
AMAZING ART MURALS IN LOS ANGELES FOR AN ARTSY TOUR! Such as graffiti, muralism is also a type of street and public art, and it’s very present in today’s days. If you are someone who KEEP READING
GRAFFITI FOR BEGINNERS: HOW TO GET STARTED Is Graffiti art or vandalism? This is a question we have answered before, but knowing graffiti as an art, today we want to explain to KEEP READING
FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: MAKE YOUR FOOD LOOK PRETTY We have already talked about the best tricks of photography on Instagram and the best photography tricks with an iPhone. Today we want to talk KEEP READING
UNDER BREAST TATTOO: THE BEST DESIGN IDEAS Tattoos under the chest have become quite a trend, and we can’t deny that they look beautiful in that area of the body. However, what DISCOVER >