The best Studio Ghibli Movies on Netflix Probably, at the time when the most popular streaming service in the world decided to include Miyazaki movies in its catalog, it made many people KEEP READING
How to stream on Twitch? A quick guide for beginners If we talk about Twitch surely there will be nothing new that we can discover because, without doubt, it has become the platform par excellence KEEP READING
Who Is Martian Manhunter in Zack Snyder’s Justice League Comics fans will be able to dive deep into previously uncharted territory. DC’s Anatomy of a Metahuman, a comic book written by S.D Perry and KEEP READING
Xbox Cloud Gaming: Everything You Must Know If you are a big fan of video games and you have the Xbox, this article is for you because you can now enjoy a KEEP READING
Movies about Black History that you must watch! As we mentioned in our previous article about Great black-owned businesses to support in the west coast, February was Black History Month and so that KEEP READING
The secrets behind the most-watched series on Netflix Netflix has become one of the streaming platforms par excellence and there are probably very few people who do not know what Netflix is and KEEP READING
Nintendo confirmed Pyra and Mythra joins Super Smash Bros! We have great news for Super Mario Bros lovers! Last February, Nintendo presented the next character that will be part of the world of Super KEEP READING
Psychedelic movies that will blow your mind! We recently talked in an article about psychedelic art, what it consisted of, and its influences and it is for this reason that today, we KEEP READING
78th Golden Globe Awards The 78th edition of the 2021 Golden Globes were held on February 28 and again, it was a great event that was affected by the KEEP READING
Oscars 2021: movies you should watch before the ceremony On April 25, 2021, one of the most important galas in cinema will be held. And yes, we are indeed talking about the 93rd Oscars KEEP READING
THE BEST DOG TATTOO IDEAS FOR YOUR NEXT INK! If we recently talked about the best tattoo ideas for best friends and the best tattoo ideas for couples, in today’s post we want to DISCOVER >